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Reiki 1 Classes in London with Reiki Master, Mamta Nanda

Level 1 "Shoden"     

Cost  £250

Next Reiki Level 1 Class:
Feb 11 - 14, 2025;
12 pm to 3 pm each day.

It is necessary to attend all the sessions of a class.

Venue: Fieldway Crescent, Highbury, London, N5 1PU

Please contact Mamta to book a place at the Reiki 1 Class or to find out about the future Reiki classes.

First Degree Initiation/Attunement into Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryoho, honouring the Spiritual Lineage of Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Phyllis Lei Furumoto and Johannes Reindl with Reiki Master, Mamta Nanda. 

Students attending a First Degree Reiki course will be initiated by Reiki Master. Mamta Nanda , who will also teach a sequence of hand positions for self treatment and the treating of others. 

The focus of the course will be the practical integration of Reiki into everyday life, for self-healing and also for use with friends and family. During the course the students learn about the history of Reiki, the Reiki principles, practise self-treatment and learn about giving treatments with the emphasis on good practice and ethics. The students also learn about different types of healing responses one might expect after a Reiki treatment. Students will have the opportunity to practise with each other. We will also discuss using Reiki in First Aid situations. There will be opportunities to discuss using Reiki with children, as well as with plants and animals. 

It is advisable before and during a Reiki course to minimise coffee, alcohol and stimulants including tobacco. It is also better to rest/sleep well before and during the course. So please make time for the Reiki course and do not make many other plans during these days.

As we do not have long breaks during the course, please make sure you have something to eat before the class. Also it is a good idea to wear comfortable loose fitting clothes and a light warm sweater. Drinks are provided and a few light snacks. Please feel free to bring your own.

The course runs over four days. During this period students will receive four initiations into Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryoho, the Usui System of Natural Healing. The initiations are given on an individual basis. There will be 10 - 12 hours tuition according to the size of the group, maximum 4 students.

At the end of the course you will receive a Certificate of attendance.

You do not need to read any books before coming to the Reiki class. However if you would like to read one, the Reiki books that Mamta recommends are the ones based on Mrs Hawayo Takata's personal experiences:

  • Living Reiki, Takata's Teachings by Fran Brown.
    ISBN 0-940795-10-8
  • Reiki, Hawayo Takata's story by Helen J Haberly.
    ISBN 0-944135-06-04

Mamta is passionate about providing continued support to her students after the Reiki classes. She offers monthly Reiki sharing groups, keeps students informed of Reiki events and retreats with other Reiki Masters, offers Reiki treatments and distant Reiki, and provides support through telephone, email, her Reiki blog and her facebook page ReikiwithMamta.

Please view testimonials to find out how people have benefitted from attending Reiki classes with Mamta.

If you have any queries about the Reiki class, or would like to book a place, please contact Mamta

If you are unable to attend the Reiki class listed above, but would like to be kept informed of future Reiki Class dates, please contact Mamta and let her know.


Mamta's Reiki
Initiation Lineage

Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Hawayo Takata
Wanja Twan
Kajsa Krishni Boräng
Tripuri Dunne