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Contact Details for Mamta Nanda, Reiki Master, Instinctive Meditation guide, in London

You can contact Mamta on:
Mobile: +447782161477 or 07782161477

If you have any questions about the offerings with Mamta, please feel free to call her.

You can also send her an email on mamta@reikiwithmamta.com and indicate your interest. She would love to hear from you.
Please include your phone number in the email so that she can follow up - in case her reply ends up in your spam folder!

You can also subscribe to Mamta's monthly newsletter email to be kept informed.

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You can join the page Reiki with Mamta on Facebook to be kept informed of events that Mamta is organising, and to share information that she has found beneficial on her Reiki journey.

If you do not know Mamta, it would be very helpful if you could please send her a message to introduce yourself and let Mamta know whether you are a Reiki student and what you are looking for so that she can support you better.